IIIT Vadodara offers PhD Program in Full Time and Part Time modes at both
Gandginagar & ICD campuses.
It is intended for students who wish to conduct, manage or interpret research in academic,
industry or government settings. This degree certifies credible completion of an approved
program of advanced study in addition to a research thesis of high quality based on original
research. Program comprises one-two semesters of intensive course work followed by a
minimum of two-three years of research. Students are expected to demonstrate excellence in
the research area via quality publications in reputed journals and conferences.
IIIT Vadodara offers a PhD program broadly in the following departments across various
research areas.
Engineering: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Data Analytics,
Generative Al, Natural Language Processing, Cryptography, Information & Cyber Security,
Privacy-Preserving Data Analytics, Blockchain, Image and Video Processing/ Analysis,
Bio-signal Processing, Remote Sensing and GIS, LoT, Sensors, Wireless Sensor Network,
Cloud Computing, Quantum Computing, Quantum Machine Learning, Adversarial Machine
Learning, Digital Twin, Human Computer Interaction, Augmented/ Virtual Reality, Geometry
Processing and Graphics, Soft Computing, Cognitive Computing, Digital Twins, VLSI, Flexible
Electronics, RF & Radar Technologies, Microwave, Computer Vision & Graphics, Smart
Materials, Quantum Technologies, 5G/ 6G Communication, Cognitive Science & Engineering,
Embedded Systems, Nano electronics, Wireless Communications, AL/ML for Future Networks,
Converged Computer Communication, Electric Vehicle, Signal Processing.
Sciences and Mathematics: Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Quantum Simulation with
Ultracold Atoms, Cryptography and Network Security, Commutative Algebra.
Humanities: Applied Linguistics, Second Language Pedagogy, Gender Studies, Science
Technology and Society.
Minimum eligibility criteria for PhD (Full Time) Program:
Minimum eligibility criteria for PhD (Part Time) Program:
The applicant may be an employee (regular / on contract) of a State/ Central Govt.
Departments/PSUs/ Educational Institutes/ Research organizations/ Industries (with a
turnover of at least 2 crore) at the time of admission having at least one year experience
in the discipline in which admission is sought. A No Objection Certificate from the Head
of the Institute/Organization, in which he/she is employed, must be enclosed with the
Individuals with exceptional academic records meeting the essential educational
qualifications and not employed may also be considered.
Shortlisted candidates will be called for the first round of selection process (preferably online
mode). Second round of selection process may be conducted at the institute. Such candidates
will be given train fare (AC third class) to and fro their hometown and institute.
For applying, follow the steps given below:
The institute offers financial assistance to eligible Ph.D.(Full Time) students of Rs 37,000/- per month for the first two years and Rs. 42,000/- per month for the next three years. The amount may vary based on the institute norms. The financial assistance is against TAship, Research work and other co-academic work.
Note that students under the Part Time category are not eligible to avail the financial assistance from the institute.
Contact Details:
email ID: pgadmissions.iiitvadodara.ac.in