PhD in Information and Communication Technology 2012
Thesis: On the Curve Reconstruction on Riemannian Manifolds, Ordering Motion Frames
Supervisor: Prof. Samaresh Chatterji
DAIICT, Gandhinagar
M.Tech. in Information and Communication Technology 2005
Thesis: Active Contours in Action
DAIICT, Gandhinagar
B.E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering 20023
(Digital Signal Processing)
SVIT, Vasad, Gujarat University
Email: pratik [at] iiitvadodara [dot] ac [dot] in
Artificial Intelligence, Geometry Processing, Natural Language Processing,
Computational Music, Cognitive Aspects of Indian Classical Music
Projects and Consultancy
Development of Weather Aware Safe Ship Navigation Software
Assistant Professor with the department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Information Technology Vadodara (July 2013 - cont.)
Faculty member with the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at the LNMIIT, Jaipur (June 2011 - June 2013)
JRF (July 2005- June 2006) and SRF (July 2006 - June 2007)at DAIICT for a Project on Development of Software Suit for Estimation Filters (Kalman, extended Kalman and Particle filters) for Direction of Arrival Passive Target Tracking with NSTL, Vizag
Pratik teaches courses on Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval and Topological Data Analysis. He is a math enthusiast and likes to explore concepts from Category Theory connecting Geometry and Algebra. He has developed a course on Music, Mathematics and Machines which has been offered twice as a continuing education program during the summers of 2022 and 2023.